Customized, compassionate productivity for creatives...

Traditional productivity approaches are often limited because they aren't made with you in mind. Your path to productivity requires productivity tools to match you, your personality, and your passions.

I’m Lisa, founder of Positively Productive Systems and host of the Positively Living Podcast™. As a Productivity Strategist + Accountability Coach certified in positive psychology and stress management, I help multi-passionates and multi-taskers reduce overwhelm, avoid burnout, and boost productivity through whole-life decluttering and customized productivity approaches. 

Head over to the Coaching Page of my website for ways I can support you and the Resources page for free and low investment resources. I welcome you to Connect with me to let me know what's challenging you and book a discovery call if you have questions.

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Positively Productive Toolkit

[Free Personalized Productivity Resources] This is the place for all the worksheets I use with my clients (Joy List, Focus File, Core Values) and links to start your self-assessment.

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